Pathos Creative

Pathos Creative

  • India
  • Pathos Creative
  • Short Term Missionary
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

one time gift

one time gift

Monthly Salary for village center director

Monthly Salary for village center director

The program's director has an modest monthly salary

Teacher's Stipend for a month

Teacher's Stipend for a month

Apart from the center director, teachers help tutor and mentor children. They get a modest stipend for travel.

Scholarships to a Good School for a month

Scholarships to a Good School for a month

The schools in the village is a joke. There's no subtle way to say that. We offer 4 children a chance to go to a better school. The fact that we can do that for less than $10 bucks a child, is incredible.

Snacks for the Kids for a month

Snacks for the Kids for a month

The kids don't always get a nutritious meal. But the center tries to provide supplemental nutrition with snacks and a multigrain mix drink (called "Pindi") that has been approved by the government of India for vitamin and protein content.

Center Maintenance for a month

Center Maintenance for a month

The center has maintenance costs. The center also has internet, where the director and the children are encouraged to communicate and feel connected to the brothers and sister that are supporting them! (including you!)

Gifts for a month

Gifts for a month

We want our kids to feel special. We also want them to be well behaved. Most Indian learning institutions hit their kids, at least a little. But we really wanted to go away from that with incentive and motivation. Monthly gifts for the best behaved team motivates them to study hard and behave well. We're not bribing them, but kind of we are.

Travel to the City every month

Travel to the City every month

It is important for the village center to feel connected to the larger organization. Every month the village center director is asked to come to the city to be a part of the organization meeting for guidance, encouragement, and fellowship.

Medical supplies for a month

Medical supplies for a month

The children, as well as the villagers come to the center for prayer and first aid. It has been a huge blessing and ministry. We are dedicated to expanding this ministry, but for now, first aid and prayer does more than you can know.

Stationary Supplies for a month

Stationary Supplies for a month

Our kids don't always have the best stuff to study with. So we provide rudimentary stationary materials for the kids.

pathos|creative operating funds (recurring)

pathos|creative operating funds (recurring)

General operating funds that are not specifically designated to a category or project is most helpful. Think of these funds as wild cards! pathos|creative will use them responsibly in the areas that lack designated funds.



Everything begins with prayer. Just ask Nehemiah :)

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