While Celebrate Recovery aims to be a self-supporting ministry
from our own contributions, there are some required
materials/training to safely launch CR and to follow the DNA of
CR as follows. All the funds will go towards the purchases
of the following:
CR Newcomer 101 DVD
CR chips (starter kit and additional chips/coins as needed)
CR lanyards for leaders
CR advanced leadership training kit
Leadership training and conference fees
Fellowship dinners and snacks for meetings
Any and all supplies and materials to help support the ministry

Celebrate Recovery
$1,334 raised
- Newsong LA
- Support Groups
- Donations to this project are not tax-deductible
About This Project
Recent Supporters
Newsong 5 years ago
Reatha 6 years ago
Norman L. 6 years ago
Gary 6 years ago
Silvia 6 years ago
Jerald 6 years ago
Project Owner
Newsong LA

Newsong LA is a multicultural church with an upbeat celebratory worship service, relevant message and a community that's involved in local and global concerns of justice, advocacy and the poor.
- Website http://newsongla.net
5875 Green Valley Cir, #200
Culver City, California 90230 - Phone (310) 807- 5795
- Email info@newsongla.net